Monday, January 6, 2014

01/06/14 - chapter 1

Today we discussed what an entrepreneur is and how they recognize opportunities. An entrepreneur is someone who takes risks with a business to gain potential rewards in the form of money. They are seen as creative, not afraid to fail, and confident. Entrepreneur's recognize opportunities as an idea based on a need or want as long as customers are willing to buy the product at a price high enough to continue to sustain business.
I think this information about entrepreneurs and opportunities they take is important; because I've been thinking about eventually starting my own accounting firm and this helps me realize that not all ideas are opportunities. I feel like this information helped me understand the term entrepreneur and how to recognize opportunities and the ideas to make them.

Groups were made today. I'm in a group with Patricia, Erika, and chaunte. It should be a neat experience to create our own group business and follow through with it for one day! We just discussed what we could possibly do for the project today.

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